Supporting Documentation
Applicants for membership in AIHEC must supply the following documentation with the application, as required by the AIHEC bylaws. Please refer to the appropriate Class of Membership.
Becoming a Member - Required Documentation per Class of Membership
Regular Member
Subdivision of a government of an American Indian tribe, Alaska Native village, or Alaska Native corporation or has been chartered, sanctioned, or formally established by a federally recognized tribal government or an Alaska Native village or Alaska Native corporation.
- Ordinances and/or Tribal Resolutions
- Other pertinent certification documents
Governing board comprised solely of American Indian or Alaska Native members, except in those cases where the charter of the tribal college authorizes a majority of such members.
- Identification of authority granting powers and duties of board
- Articles of incorporation or constitution and bylaws of institution
- Reference to Charter of Tribal Resolution giving authority to the board
- Names and tribal affiliation of board members
Primarily serves an American Indian or Alaska Native community or communities.
- Mission statement or purpose statement of institution
- Description of:
- Physical location of campus/facilities (on or near tribal land)
- Facilities
- Facility ownership (own, lease, in-kind contribution, shared space, etc.)Major programs and activities operated by institution
Majority of full-time equivalent American Indian or Alaska Native students.
- Certified student FTE (full-time equivalent calculation for student enrollment)
- Sample Indian student registration form/packet
- Completed student enrollment data
Documents required for review during the site visit:
- Certified degree of Indian blood
- Transcript forms
- student enrollment data
Demonstrates that it is fulfilling the goals and purposes for which it was established, sanctioned or chartered and is adhering to an educational plan of operation.
Note: Sufficient verification is required that the institution is operating independently, in its own facilities and with its own management systems, oversight structures, strategic plan, and policies and procedures in place.
Strategic & Educational Planning
- Strategic plan for institution
- Education plan of operation (education plan)
- Current catalog which includes:
- Mission statement
- Educational programs
- Courses offered with course descriptions
- Degree requirements
- List degrees, certificates awarded by college
- Identify each degree as a certificate, associate, baccalaureate, or master
- Learning resources: library resources including access to information through information networks and electronic data bases, if appropriate, in support of the college’s degree programs
- Evidence of access to other learning resources (e.g., space, equipment, personnel, computers, and software) available to students in specific degree programs
- Description of student support services available (e.g., academic advising, career counseling, placement, and tutoring)
- Admission policies and practices
- Costs to attend the institution
- Refund policies
- Listing of academic credentials of faculty and administrators
- Student handbook, including academic and non-academic policies and procedures directly affecting students, such as grievance procedures
Management Systems
- Articulation agreements
- Faculty handbook
- Policies and procedures manual(s)
- Enrollment projections (five years)
Financial Systems
- Most recent auditor’s financial statement
- Copy of the Internal Revenue Service determination of nonprofit status of the institution
- Institution’s current budget
- Explanation of how the budget reflects adequate financial support for the educational programs
Accredited or a candidate for accreditation by a regional institutional accrediting association recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education.
- Accreditation report if accredited or candidacy application if a candidate for accreditation
- Statement of accreditation goals and progress and timeline for accreditation
- Relevant correspondence/statements from regional institutional accrediting association
Organizational Member
Serves primarily indigenous people, institutions, or organizations from any region of the world.
- Relevant charters, treaties and land claims
- Information on location
- Sample membership application form
- List of membership and demographic summary of membership
Majority of indigenous people on its governing board.
- Identification of authority granting powers and duties of board
- Constitution and bylaws of institution
- Names and affiliation of board members
Incorporated as a nonprofit entity that serves the needs of its membership: an association or organization composed of institutions of postsecondary or higher education.
- Articles of incorporation or similar documentation from respective government entity
- Nonprofit certification, or similar documentation
- Mission statement and strategic plan
A federally recognized American Indian tribe, Alaska Native village, or Alaska Native corporation that has expressed to AIHEC an immediate interest in exploring establishing a TCU.
- U.S. Department of the Interior acknowledgement of status as a federally recognized tribe/community/corporation
- Resolution to pursue a TCU adopted by tribal government or constitution identifying them as an American Indian or Alaska Native community
Primarily serves American Indian or Alaska Native community(ies).
- Mission statement or purpose statement of proposed institution
- Description of proposed:
- Physical location of campus/facilities (on or near tribal land)
- Facilities
- Facility ownership (own, lease, in-kind contribution, shared space, etc.), if identified
- Focus of major programs and activities to be operated by institution, to the extent know
Demonstrates an immediate intent in establishing a TCU.
Financial Support
- Commitment of financial support from tribe and/or other support for establishing and sustaining an accredited TCU
Feasibility Study
- The executive summary from a recent feasibility study that includes:
- Demographics and demographic trends of the tribe(s) to be served
- Five-year enrollment projections
- Financial resource identification and capacity
- Human resource identification and capacity
- Long-term cost/benefit analysis of establishing and sustaining a fully accredited tribal institution of higher education
- Timeline to reach point of starting process of seeking accreditation
Associate Member
Subdivision of a government of an American Indian tribe, Alaska Native village, or Alaska Native corporation or has been chartered, sanctioned, or formally established by a federally recognized tribal government or an Alaska Native village or Alaska Native corporation.
- Charters
- Ordinances and/or Tribal Resolutions
- Other pertinent certification documents
Governing board comprised solely of American Indian or Alaska Native members, except in those cases where the charter of the tribal college authorizes a majority of such members.
- Identification of authority granting powers and duties of board
- Articles of incorporation or constitution and bylaws of institution
- Reference to Charter of Tribal Resolution giving authority to the board
- Names and tribal affiliation of board members
Primarily serves an American Indian or Alaska Native community or communities.
- Mission statement or purpose statement of institution
- Description of:
- Physical location of campus/facilities (on or near tribal land)
- Facilities
- Facility ownership (own, lease, in-kind contribution, shared space, etc.)
- Major programs and activities operated by institution
Majority of full-time equivalent American Indian or Alaska Native students.
- Certified student FTE (full-time equivalent calculation for student enrollment—see definitions)
- Sample Indian student registration form/packet
- Completed student enrollment data
Documents required for review during the site visit:
- Certified degree of Indian blood
- Transcript forms
- Complete student enrollment data
Demonstrates that it is fulfilling the goals and purposes for which it was established, sanctioned or chartered and is adhering to an educational plan of operation.
Note: Sufficient verification is required that the institution is operating independently, in its own facilities and with its own management systems, oversight structures, strategic plan, and policies and procedures in place; or, in the alternative, that the institution has developed written plans with dates certain for achieving such status.
Strategic & Educational Planning
- Strategic plan for institution, which includes development and implementation of an education plan of operation (education plan)
- Current catalog which includes:
- Mission statement
- Educational programs
- Courses offered with course descriptions
- Degree requirementsList degrees, certificates awarded by college
- Identify each degree as a certificate, associate, baccalaureate, or masters
- Learning resources: library resources including access to information through information networks and electronic data bases, if appropriate, in support of the college’s degree programs.
- Evidence of access to other learning resources (e.g., space, equipment, personnel, computers, and software) available to students in specific degree programs.
- Description of student support services available (e.g., academic advising, career counseling, placement, and tutoring)
- Admission policies and practices
- Costs to attend the institution
- Refund policies
- Listing of academic credentials of faculty and administrators
- Student handbook, including academic and nonacademic policies and procedures directly affecting students, such as grievance procedures.
Management Systems
- Faculty handbook, if any
- Policies and procedures manual(s), if any
- Articulation agreements
Financial Systems
- Most recent auditor’s financial statement
- Copy of the Internal Revenue Service determination of nonprofit status of the institution
- Institution’s current budget
- Explanation of how the budget reflects adequate financial support for the educational programs
Feasibility Study
- Documented study that may include but is not limited to:
- Demographics and demographic trends of the tribe(s) served
- Educational attainment data of tribal members and other American Indian residents
- Workforce needs and participation analysis of the area served
- Existing secondary education (feeder) and postsecondary education (transfer) relationships
- Enrollment projections for five years
- Proximity to other institutions of higher education
- Financial resource identification and capacity
- Human resource identification and capacity (faculty and staff)
- Cost/benefit analysis of establishing an institution of higher education
NOT accredited or a candidate for accreditation by a regional institutional accrediting association recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education.
Note: Associate members are given five years within which to achieve candidacy status in their regional accrediting agency. If this is not achieved, AIHEC will reevaluate such membership.
- Statement of accreditation goals and progress and timeline for accreditation (may be included in strategic plan)
- Relevant correspondence/statements from regional institutional accrediting association, if any
Developing / Emerging Member
A federally recognized American Indian tribe, Alaska Native village, or Alaska Native corporation that has expressed to AIHEC an immediate interest in exploring establishing a TCU.
- U.S. Department of the Interior acknowledgement of status as a federally recognized tribe/community/corporation
- Resolution to pursue a TCU adopted by tribal government or constitution identifying them as an American Indian or Alaska Native community
Primarily serves American Indian or Alaska Native community(ies).
- Mission statement or purpose statement of proposed institution
- Description of proposed:
- Physical location of campus/facilities (on or near tribal land)
- Facilities
- Facility ownership (own, lease, in-kind contribution, shared space, etc.), if identified
- Focus of major programs and activities to be operated by institution, to the extent know
Demonstrates an immediate intent in establishing a TCU.
Financial Support
- Commitment of financial support from tribe and/or other support for establishing and sustaining an accredited TCU
Feasibility Study
- The executive summary from a recent feasibility study that includes:
- Demographics and demographic trends of the tribe(s) to be served
- Five-year enrollment projections
- Financial resource identification and capacity
- Human resource identification and capacity
- Long-term cost/benefit analysis of establishing and sustaining a fully accredited tribal institution of higher education
- Timeline to reach point of starting process of seeking accreditation
International Member
Serves primarily indigenous students from the region of the world in which such institution is located.
- Charters
- Treaties and land claims
- Brief historical narrative
- Student enrollment data, by ethnicity/group, for current and prior academic years
Majority of indigenous people on its governing board.
- Identification of authority granting powers and duties of board
- Articles of incorporation or constitution and bylaws of institution
- Names and affiliation of board members
Educational plan of operation to which it is adhering.
- Educational plan of operation
Statement of mission and has demonstrated that it is meeting the goals and purposes for which it was established.
- Mission statement or statement of purpose
- Strategic plan
- Course catalog