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AIHEC engages with federal agencies and their policymakers.

On behalf of Tribal Colleges and Universities, AIHEC engages with federal agencies on the implementation of policies directly impacting TCU and student aid programs. By building and maintaining strong relationships with federal agencies, AIHEC ensures the needs of TCUs, American Indian and Alaska Native students, and Tribal communities are a priority for policymakers in the U.S. Executive branch.

Presidential Executive Orders on Tribal Colleges and Universities and Indian Education

The establishment of executive orders on Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) stands out as one of AIHEC’s most significant successes. The first TCU executive order was issued on October 19, 1996 by President Clinton (EO 13021). Subsequently, Presidents Bush, Obama, and Biden have issued executive orders on American Indian and Alaskan Native education and Tribal Colleges and Universities. These executive orders are powerful directives that Tribal Colleges and Universities need to be supported by all federal government departments and agencies. These executive orders acknowledged Tribal Colleges and Universities as extensions of the federally recognized Tribes that charter them and confirmed the education of American Indians and Alaska Natives as part of a larger national mandate, one that all leaders and policymakers have a responsibility to recognize and fulfill. 

On October 11, 2021, President Biden issued a comprehensive executive order that once again combines the goals of American Indian and Alaska Native education and Tribal Colleges and Universities. AIHEC is working with the Biden administration to ensure TCUs and TCUs students receive “focused attention,” “commitment,” and “investment” from all federal agencies.

Executive Order 14049 – White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Native Americans and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities (October 2021, President Joe Biden)  

Previous Executive Orders:

Executive Order 13021 – Tribal Colleges and Universities (October 1996, President William J. Clinton)

Executive Order 13096 – American Indian and Alaska Native Education (August 1998, President William J. Clinton)

Executive Order 13270 – Tribal Colleges and Universities (July 2002, President George W. Bush)

Executive Order 13336 – American Indian and Alaska Native Education (April 2004, President George W. Bush)

Executive Order 13592 – Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal College and Universities (December 2011, President Barack Obama)